Monday 9 April 2007

A Question For Suicide Bombers

Where exactly do all these virgins come from?
If they were virgins down here I doubt their reward would be an afterlife spent in your harem and if they weren't virgins down here then they aren't really virgins, are they?

If you really want to be an extremist, why not be one of these?

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic


  1. What they don't tell those bombers is that those virgins have to remain virgins. Sitting there, surrounded by virgins and not being allowed to touch any of them. That's there punishment :-)

  2. Very good question, Margrave - but I can see it being offensive to some, of course...

    So I was a bit surprised by the anonymous comment (and I didnt know that!) - brilliant! LOL! :)

  3. Anon: So in heaven, men and women are free to mix? If so, then why is it haram in Saudi?

  4. yeah,
    they're actually answering question on their 800 number

    dude, these people lack common can't argue with them... waste of breath...

    anon: yes,, saudi arabia is like heaven..except for the mixing of men and women...
    we're working on that!!!
