Tuesday 6 March 2007

Lost In Translation #2

Vegetarian Eggs

I do prefer vegetarian eggs. I hate the way the carnivorous ones nibble your fingers when you crack them...


  1. My two favorite "lost in translation" examples.

    1) a sign in downtown Al-Khobar stating this is a "slow working area", and

    2)a HUGE sign infront of a large building under construction that ...mmmm... let's say they thought that the abbreviation for construction was a four-letter word starting with c and ending with t! Yikes!

    A close #3 was the sign over a water fountain in a local school - written in English to encourage students to learn the language, it said "Watre Funten"!

    Gotta love the language barriers!

  2. Quite interested in those veggie eggs, being a veggie myself. Presumably they are laid by a vegetarian chicken too.

  3. No chance of catching mad hen disease from vegetarian eggs.

  4. Hi Margrave,

    I just wanted to know if the country is safe for westerners to work at, or do people watch their back when they are in public.


  5. Does anybody know what happened with Mr. Margraves and this blog?

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