Wednesday 14 February 2007

Pots And Kettles

You Failed Your Driver's Test

You only got 3/10 correct.
If you have a driver's license, it needs to be revoked!

Crap! Oh well, at least I got three right. I bet a weaver wouldn't even get one. Give it a go weaver, and no, numbers three and four aren't trick questions...


  1. Some questions really depend on the country you're in. Traffic rules differ from a country to another.

    I got 3/10 anyway. A friend of mine got 6/10.

  2. I got a 9/10 on my first try and then went back and aimed for a 10. I guess I can be a good driver when I want to be; but that's boring. About the weavers..I think they might take their 1/10 scores to mean the opposite; meaning they get to be first place, with a 10/10 meaning last place.

  3. I got 8/10. Yay me!

    Traffic rules also differ within countries. There are numerous examples of inter-province differences in Canadian traffic law. For example, I can do a left on a red from a one-way street to another one-way street in Ontario, but I'd be ticketed in Quebec.

    Quebec has only recently allowed turning right on a red. The Quebec traffic cops must be cheesed. Before all they had to do was follow a car with out-of-province plates and ticket them when they inevitably did a right on a red. Now I guess they have to work a bit harder.

  4. Oh dear, I got six. I felt sure I was on to a winner and then failed. I agree, driving rules vary from country to country. For example here in, well they have very few.
