Friday 15 December 2006

Christmas In Saudi

It's Christmas in Saudi. Only it isn't. Well alright it is, but with no bells on.
In case you don't know, public practicising of any religion other than Islam in KSA is illegal. Therefore this is probably the only country in the world where shops sell traditional Christmas decorations on the sly. If you want Christmas tree decorations for example, you'll find tinsel in one store location and then the baubles on the other side of the store next to the jewellery.
For me it's ironic because let's face it, most people in the West don't consider Christmas to be religious in the slightest, unless they worship capitalism. It's a time to give gifts to loved ones and put on 10lbs. I wonder how many of the people engaged in secret Christmas activity would go to as much trouble back home.
My thanks go to "a major supermarket chain" here, who made me laugh by using Christmas to sell chocolate Easter bunnies (!!) and one of the most fantastic chocolates I've ever seen, a large Santa... sat on a donkey. Either they've confused their Christmas idols, or sleighs are banned. Or given the road toll maybe Santa's just not as stupid as he looks.


  1. I had a friend of Christian origins who lived in Saudi with me in the mid 90's - he thought it would be brave and outspoken to put Christmas lights all over the date trees surrounding his walled in house. Well, he got egged, insulted, beaten and exiled by his community. You do understand that it is not the religious bases that is shunned in this case, but rather the imitation of "the west" - which is kind of the same thing.

    Merry Christmas man, coming from a Muslim and an Arab. I'd send you a braised pork chop if I could.

  2. Wow, I thought it was un-festive here in Thailand. That's a tad oppressive to say the least.

  3. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks for the post. It sure sounds like your friend suffered for his outspoken actions!
    Interesting that you feel that was more to do with his "imitation of the west". From what I've seen in my brief time here, people in KSA love American imports such as fast food, American cars and even the American grid system for the roads. Yet American culture also appears to be held in low esteem by many here.

    Braised pork chop? Braised pork chop..... *cry*

    Hey "Life out East", we used to live in Bangkok a few years ago and I remember it feeling very unfestive. I think it was the first time I'd ever been expected to work on Christmas day (I didn't!)
    We loved living there though!
    Checked out your blog also, very nice :-)

  4. who force you to live in saudi arabia (except you are earning big money that your graet great grandfather dog don't dream of). please and kindly fuck off and go back to your home and party chrisms till your noise every day, jack ass.

  5. Saudi Arabia is the worst shithole on planet earth with the worst human righs record. Unbelievable that America continues to isolate Cuba for half a century yet pours billions into this hellhole for years, which is a trillion times worse than Iraq ever was under Saddam Hussein.

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