Friday 17 November 2006

I Am Not A Piece Of Meat

I am not a handsome man. Ladies do not stop me in the street to comment on how I “look like Brad Pitt, only cuter.” But the women here leer at me. I am not joking, I’ve seen them. My wife has seen them too, staring out from behind their veils.
Last night a girl who had not covered her face gave me such a “come hither” look I was completely taken aback. She was probably only 14 or 15.
I am not saying that the women here are promiscuous. I wouldn’t know either way, but I seriously seriously doubt it. But perhaps all this covering up makes them suffer in exactly the same way as the men. The men here are the champions of leering. Who can blame them? They have so few outlets. Last night we went out to a garden center to buy some plants and my wife wore her abaya as usual, but she didn’t wear long pants. I caught two men leering at her ankles. Her ankles! Not being able to casually glance at the opposite sex makes you behave in the oddest ways.


  1. This post is useless without your picture [leer]

  2. LMAO! Touche!
    ...and not a chance! I'm worried enough about being "caught" as it is!

  3. your either blond or very tall.
    in this case would i be staring too? uh huh!

  4. the14or 15 years girl that yoy have imagined. might been a hungry dung beetle ?

  5. the usual ethnocentric and obsolete-cum-maniac british compouds theme.this is what i heard from good mancunian well versed in his compatriots culture.

  6. I'm a woman who was on your side UNTIL, you said, we can't blame SA males for doing the same [worse in fact] to women. Spoilt your argument.
